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Early Language Goal Bank

  • (client) will respond to gestures (pointing, waving, etc) with gesture or verbal response in 80% of opportunities across 3 data collections.
  • (client) will demonstrate joint attention for at least 1 minute 3x per session for 3 consecutive sessions.
  • (client) will look toward object/picture when given label/point by the clinician in 80% of opportunities for 3 data collections.
  • (client) will imitate 10+ different motor movements to participate in play or songs over 3 data sessions.
  • (client) will imitate 10+ different animal or environmental sounds to participate in play, shared book reading, or songs over 3 data sessions.
  • (client) will imitate 10+ different speech sounds to request, protest, comment, or get attention over 3 data sessions.
  • (client) will imitate 10+ different single words to request, protest, comment, or get attention over 3 data sessions.
  • (client) will label and/or request objects and activities via sign, verbalization, and/or picture 10+ times per session for 3 data sessions.
  • (client) will maintain attention to preferred activity for 3+ minutes 3x a session over 3 data sessions.
  • (client) will participate in parallel play for 3+ minutes 3x per session for 3 consecutive sessions.
  • (client) will imitate 3+ different modeled play schemes independently across 3 consecutive sessions.
  • (client) will follow commands (show/give me, touch the, find/take (the), etc) with 80% accuracy for 3 data collections.
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