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Expressive Language Goal Bank

  • (client) will independently label age-appropriate objects with 80% accuracy for 3 data collections.
  • (client) will name a described object with 80% accuracy for 3 data collections.
  • (client) will name 5 items from a category with 80% accuracy for 3 data collections.
  • (client) will imitate 1-2 word utterances 10x times per session for 3 sessions.
  • (client) will imitate 10 different two word phrases to request, protest, comment, or get attention over 3 consecutive sessions.
  • (client) will use a carrier phrase to form a simple sentence given picture cues in 80% of opportunities for 5 data collections.
  • (client) will use 2-3 word phrases in 80% opportunities to participate in play and shared book reading for 3 data collections.
  • (client) will produce 3-4 word phrases to request, protest, and/or comment 10x per session for 3 consecutive sessions.
  • (client) will produce a complete, relevant sentence about a given stimuli in 80% of opportunities for 3 data collections.
  • (client) will produce complete, grammatical sentences of 4+ words within structured activities in 80% pf opportunities for 5 data collections.
  • (client) will increase sentence length using modifier words or phrases (adjectives, prepositions, etc.) when prompted in 80% of opportunities for 3 data collections.
  • (client) will use descriptive concept words (color, size, shape, etc) with 80% accuracy for 5 data collections.
  • (client) will use spatial concept words (in, on, next to, etc) with 80% accuracy for 5 data collections.
  • (client) will use temporal concept words (now, yesterday, next week, etc) with 80% accuracy for 5 data collections.
  • (client) will use quantitative concept words (all, some, rest, etc) with 80% accuracy for 5 data collections.
  • (client) will produce modified noun phrases using color, shape, and/or size (e.g. blue ball) with 80% accuracy for 5 data collections.
  • (client) will tell how two things are the same giving attributes ie. category, color, shape, or function with 80% accuracy for 3 data collections.
  • (client) will answer what/where/when/who/why questions about pictures or play with 80% accuracy for 3 data collections.
  • (client) will answer what/where/when/who/why questions during conversations with 80% accuracy for 3 data collections.
  • (client) will answer questions in concise manner without using circumlocution in 80% of opportunities across 3 data collections.
  • (client) will answer how questions accurately to include multiple steps (e.g. how do you brush your teeth? how do you make your bed?) with 80% accuracy for 3 data collections.
  • (client) will retell stories to include 80% of relevant details across 3 data collections.

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